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Squashed Fly Biscuits

Don’t worry dipterists, these delicious biscuits don’t actually have flies inside them! Also known as Garibaldi biscuits, the ‘flies’ are actually currants. Why not have a go at making them? You will need: Ingredients: How to make the biscuits: 1 Wash your hands. Make sure your assistant washes theirs too. 2 In the mixing bowl,…

Make a model wasp

At or recent Wonderful Wasps! event, we learned what a diverse group of insects wasps are and how important they are to the environment. We finished by making marvellous model wasps. Here’s a template for making one of your own at home. Some parts of this ‘make’ are a little trick but we think the…

Your questions answered: ‘Which plants will help butterfly larvae?’

Brian contacted us recently with this question. He is planning a nature garden and wants to attract pollinating insects. That means attracting, not just the adults, but providing food for the larvae too. The best advice is to to include a range of plants in your garden and to avoid using pesticides. This will attract…

Darren Mann

In the latest of our series of interviews with people who work with insects, we talk with Darren Mann, who is Collections Manager at the Museum of Natural History in Oxford, and an expert in dung beetles. How did you first become interested in insects? I’ve always been interested, as long as I can remember. …

Happy New Year! Here are the Christmas Quiz Answers

A very Happy New Year from the HOPE team at the Museum of Natural History. Here are the answers to our Crunchy on the outside Christmas Quiz which we posted on 21 December: January: Bombus lapidarius February: Amber March: Erica McAlister April: Game of Life Cycles May: Sotiria Boutsi June: A pooter July: Vomit all over…